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"To the Twenty-Sixth Royal Tyran Infantry."
"Two-Six RTI. The Unvanquished.
—Col. Victor Hoffman and Sgt. Bernadette Mataki, toasting the 26th RTI
Lliam's Marcus Fenix

Marcus Fenix, the most notable Unvanquished.

The 26th Royal Tyran Infantry, often shortened to the 26th RTI and known as the Unvanquished, was one of the many regiments of the Coalition of Ordered Governments Army. The 26th's regimental headquarters were located in the Pomeroy Barracks in southern Ephyra. The 26th's most famous members were Marcus Fenix and Carlos Santiago. The 26th fought in the Pendulum Wars, saw combat during the Invasion of Kashkur, and fought in several battles along the Sarfuth-Maranday border and during Operation Leveler. One year after Emergence Day, elements of the 26th RTI fought in several battles during the fallback to the Jacinto Plateau. The 26th RTI even had their own regimental museum.[1]

Unit History[]

Invasion of Kashkur[]

Stationed at Tyro and the Battle of Shavad[]

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Siege of Anvil Gate[]

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Battle of Ragani[]

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Sarfuth-Maranday Border[]

Raid on Gralia[]

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Defending the South Islands[]

Four years before E-Day, the UIR invaded the South Island of Irohma Island, easily defeating the local tribal villagers and massacring the population. Elements of the 26th, including Marcus Fenix, were sent to defend the island. Marcus encountered Tai Kaliso and recruited him to join the COG.[2]

Sarfuth-Maranday Border Incident[]

Three years before Emergence Day,[3] C Company was stationed along the Sarfuth-Maranday border. They protected an Imulsion pipeline from UIR saboteurs from Maranday, one of whom was killed by Pvt. Carlos Santiago.[4][5]

Operation Leveler[]

During Operation Leveler, commandos from the unit infiltrated Aspho Point and captured UIR scientists and information on the Hammer of Dawn, while C Company fought at Aspho Fields to cover their escape.[6] During the battle, half of the commandos were killed,[7] as well as the majority of the Gears in C Company, including Major Helena Stroud[8] and Pvt. Carlos Santiago.[9] Several Gears in the unit were awarded various medals for their roles in the operation.[10]

One Year After Emergence Day[]

One year after Emergence Day, the 26th RTI was recalled back to the Jacinto Plateau before the Hammer of Dawn strikes.[11] During the fallback, elements of A Company fought at the Second battle of Jannermont,[12] and reopened the Voslov Bridge.[13] Several squads were later sent out to scout areas that had been hit by the strikes.[14]


At some point after this, the 26th RTI was disbanded, along with most major military units, since the army had become so small. Fifteen years after Emergence Day and shortly after the Sinking of Jacinto, Bernadette Mataki and Victor Hoffman wondered if the 26th RTI would someday be reformed, and toasted the fallen soldiers from the unit.[15]

Notable Members[]

Known Companies[]

Known Platoons[]

Known Squads[]


  1. Gears of War: Aspho Fields
  2. Gears of War: The Quickening
  3. Gears of War: Aspho Fields pg 90
  4. Gears of War: Aspho Fields pg 95-107
  5. Gears of War: Aspho Fields pg 113-119
  6. Gears of War: Aspho Fields pg 163-164
  7. Gears of War: Aspho Fields pg 345-346
  8. Gears of War: Aspho Fields pg 288-290
  9. Gears of War: Aspho Fields pg 318
  10. Gears of War: Aspho Fields pg 347-350
  11. Gears of War: Jacinto's Remnant pg 130
  12. Gears of War: Jacinto's Remnant pg 135-139
  13. Gears of War: Jacinto's Remnant pg 276-285
  14. Gears of War: Jacinto's Remnant pg 312-323
  15. Gears of War: Jacinto's Remnant pg 94