Gears of War Wiki
Gears of War Wiki

Captured Gears, including Tai Kaliso, being taken for processing.

Processing was a Locust torture tactic used on captured Gears and Stranded. The purpose of the process was for the Locust to break their Seran prisoners, which ends in lobotomy.[1]



Tai being processed.

Operation: Hollow Storm

The first known uses of processing were discovered by the COG during Operation: Hollow Storm. Gear squads discovered captive Gears and Stranded being tortured by Locust. They were loaded aboard Torture Barges or taken to Nexus to be processed.[2][3] The process involved being hung up by metal hooks, and whipped by metal chains that had spikes on them.[4] Other techniques are slowly dipping prisioners in a vat of Imulsion as the flesh melts off, starvation, decaptating heads and limbs for Bloodmounts, and lobotomy.

Known Victims

