Gears of War Wiki
Gears of War Wiki

Powerless is the fourth chapter of the fourth act of Gears of War 4.


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  • COG Tag: After opening a double locked door, there'll be another double door that has been blown open. Immediately after the blown open doors, turn left and go into the room. The tags are behind the control table in the middle of the room, beside a dead Gear.
  • Rations Schedule for Abandoned Gears: After the first area with the moving chains, you'll come to the door that leads to the second area with moving chains. Instead of going through the door, turn left and follow the path as it turns right into a dead end. The collectible will be on a wooden crate to your right.


  • After the lever for the second generator is activated, you will unlock the "Still Not Ironic" achievement.
Gears of War 4 Walkthrough
Gears of War 4 Act I · Act II · Act III · Act IV · Act V
Act I Prologue: Remembrance · Chapter 1: The Raid · Chapter 2: In and Out · Chapter 3: New Friends · Chapter 4: A Few Snags
Act II Chapter 1: The Prodigal Son · Chapter 2: Geared Up · Chapter 3: Plan B · Chapter 4: The Great Escape
Act III Chapter 1: Almost Midnight · Chapter 2: Night Terrors · Chapter 3: At the Doorstep · Chapter 4: Do Not Go Gentle · Chapter 5: Elevator to Hell · Chapter 6: Origins
Act IV Chapter 1: Get Out · Chapter 2: No Detours · Chapter 3: Knock Knock · Chapter 4: Powerless · Chapter 5: Storm Warning
Act V Chapter 1: Convergence · Chapter 2: Killing Time · Chapter 3: Gate Crashers · Chapter 4: Release