Gears of War Wiki
Gears of War Wiki

The Nezark was a Gelen Class Frigate used by the Republic of Gorasnaya.


Attacked by the Lambent[]

While en route with the rest of the Gorasni fleet to Vectes after the remnants of the country joined the Coalition of Ordered Governments, the Nezark was attacked by a Lambent Stalks. The ship’s hull was pierced below the waterline, and sank, with all hands lost. Before it sunk, the Nezark managed to get off a message saying they had hit sandbank, unaware of what had really happened.[1] Patrol vessels were sent out looking for her, but they too came under attack by the Lambent Stalks.[2]


  1. Gears of War: Anvil Gate pg 16, 23-24
  2. Gears of War: Anvil Gate pg 187-188