Gears of War Wiki
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Gears of War: Harper's Story is issue #8 of the Gears of War: Comic Series and is a stand-alone issue. It was released in July 2009.

Official Wildstorm Summary[]

A popular element in the Xbox 360 smash Gears of War 2 are the collectibles describing the tragic end of Sgt. Jonathan Harper. A nine-year veteran Gear, he was captured by the Locust during the assault on the Hollow. Eventually managing to escape, he was able to help a family reach the surface before succumbing to his wounds. The full story of this heroic, selfless soldier is finally told![2]


Jonathan Harper's story begins with his squad cheering as the train carrying the Lightmass Bomb plunged into the Outer Hollow. Later, he tells how the Locust weren't completely wiped out, but a new threat emerged, Rust Lung, as many soldiers stationed near Timgad started exhibiting symptoms of the disease, including Harper. His doctor, Vivian Merriweather, tells him that he does not have Rust Lung, and that his symptoms are merely the result of combat stress. He was then deployed for Operation Hollow Storm, but got captured by the Locust. While in captivity, his illness worsened, but he managed to escape by choking a Drone and running away. Eventually, after finding a weapon and armor, he joined Jace Stratton and made it to the surface. While on the surface, Harper gave his life to help a family evacuate Jacinto. While he's succumbing to his wounds, he reminisces about seeing the sky again, and Harper's final thoughts are of the little girl who thanked him, and said she would pray for him.



Crimson Omen
Gearspedia has 25 images related to Gears of War: Harper's Story.


Gears of War Comics
Hollow: Part One · Part Two · Part Three · Part Four · Part Five · Part Six
Barren: Part One · Part Two · Part Three · Part Four · Part Five
A Pendulum Wars Story: They Also Serve · Unseen · Unsaid · Promise Me
Dirty Little Secrets: Part One · Part Two · Part Three · Part Four · Part Five · Part Six
The Rise of RAAM: Part One · Part Two · Part Three · Part Four
Hivebusters: Part One · Part Two · Part Three · Part Four · Part Five
Stand-Alone Issues: One Day · The Quickening · Harper's Story · Midnight ·
Graphic Novels: Book One · Book Two · Book Three · Sourcebook · The Rise of RAAM