Gears of War Wiki
Gears of War Wiki

Shepherds, also known as Peace Makers, are humanoid DeeBees and are the standard DeeBee encountered on the battlefield. They are armed with the Enforcer Submachine Gun, providing light fire but often in larger numbers.


Like other DeeBees, the Shepherds were not initially built for intense combat, but for security and more dangerous labor jobs to keep the remaining human population safe, hence their common recommendation of "social" behavior in their dialogue.[1] These non-lethal security units are known as Peace Keepers and are equipped with Shock Enforcers and an electrically charged whip to suppress any security threats.

Shepherd, while hostile in Gears of War 4, returns as an allied troop, albeit temporarily during the Evacuation of Settlement 2. Unlike Gears, Shepherds are not as useful due to their slow speed and simple A.I., although they can and will surround the enemy via suppressive fire. They are therefore, often treated as cannon fodder in firefights.[2]

Shepherds, like all DeeBee units, are vulnerable to hijacking from a Flock of Swarm Leeches. How these organisms could hack a robotic mainframe is unknown, but these DeeBees would transform into suicidal Rejects.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

  • The Shepherd DeeBee is a playable multiplayer character for the Swarm in Gears of War 4. Excluding its default skin, the Shepherd has eight unlockable character skins: Color Blast, Construction, Desert Camo, Ninja, Red Tiger Camo, Red Wave, Shadow, and Vintage. Its Construction skin is only available in the DB Industries Gear Pack.
    • It is unknown why the Shepherds were placed in the Swarm faction given its COG origins. This was later fixed in Gears 5.
  • Only in Horde 3.0 can Shepherd Peace Makers use Shock Grenades.
  • Of the base infantry, Shepherds are considered the easiest and most useless of the different factions. Only considered as cannon fodder and therefore, useful in only large numbers.



Human and Surface Creatures
Chairman · First Minister
DR-1 · Gears (Commando, Hivebuster, Medic, NCOG Marine, Onyx Guard, Sapper) · JACK (Geobot) · Shepherd (Command Bot, Deadeye) · Silverback (Mechanical Loader) · Tracker (Shock-Bots, Shock Tracker) · Watcher (Guardian, Sentinel)
Indies (Cosmonaut, UIR Elite, UIR Officer, Sandswept Trooper)
Surface Creatures
Ape · Armored Fish · Armored Shark · Beast of Pahanu · Cat · Chicken · Cattle · Crow · Dog · Goat · Horse · Iron Jaw · Kraken · Mawfish · Monkey · Pig · Rat · Rock Eel · Salmon · Sand Wasp · Scree-Mite · Serano Blowfish · Serano Cephalopod · Serano Lobster · Serano Shark · Tyran Steelpike · Unidentified Mammalian Carnivore · Wakaatu · Whale Fish · Whale
Hollow and Enemy Creatures
Locust Horde
Berserker (Matriarch) · Boomer (Butcher, Flame Boomer, Grinder, Mauler, Mauler Elite, Savage Boomer, Tremor) · Drone (Beast Rider, Bolter, Cyclops, Disciple, Flame Drone, Grappler, Gunner, Miner, Savage Drone, Savage Hunter, Savage Marauder, Sniper, Spotter) · Grenadier (Flame Grenadier, Grenadier Elite, Hunter, Hunter Elite, Savage Grenadier, Savage Grenadier Elite, Ravager) · Kantus (Armored Kantus, Savage Kantus, Zealot) · Rager · Sire · Theron (Cleaver Theron, Palace Guard, Savage Theron, Theron Elite, Theron Sentinel)
Hollow Creatures
Bloodmount · Brumak · Corpser (Shibboleth) · Digger · Gas Barge · Heart Leech · Kraken · Kryll · Leviathan · Mangler · Nemacyst (Ink Grenade) · Nemacyte · Reaver (Assault Barque, Hydra) · Riftworm · Rockworm · Rock Shrew · Seeder · Serapede · Siegebeast · Tempest (Shrieker) · Ticker · Torture Barge · Wretch
Former · Lambent Berserker · Lambent Brumak · Lambent Bull · Lambent Dog · Lambent Drone (Lambent Drudge) · Lambent Grenadier · Lambent Gunker · Lambent Leviathan · Lambent Polyp · Lambent Stalk · Lambent Theron · Lambent Wretch
Canker · Carrier · DeeBees (Bastion, Reject, Stump) · Drone (Elite Drone, Grenadier, Elite Grenadier, Hunter, Elite Hunter, Imago, Sniper, Elite Sniper) · Flock (Leech) · Hive Beast · Juvie (Screamer, Popper) · Kraken · Locust (Drone · Matriarch · Sire) · Scion (Armored Scion, Heavy Scion, Scion Elite, Warden) · Snatcher (Pouncer) · Swarmak
DR-1 · Shepherd (Deadeye) · Tracker (Shock Tracker) · Watcher (Guardian, Sentinel)